21 de julho de 2014

Molly Moon

O Incrível livro de Hipnotismo de Molly Moon
Georgia Bying. Rio de Janeiro. Record. 2003. 365 páginas.

Este livro trata da vida de Molly Moon. Ela é órfã, desengonçada e mora no sombrio Lar Vida Dura, no interior da Inglaterra, desde que foi achada quando ainda era um bebê. Para piorar, ela é constantemente castigada pela Srta. Viborípedes, a cruel diretora do orfanato, que a faz limpar os banheiros da casa com sua própria escova de dentes. A única esperança de Molly é um velho e curioso livro de hipnotismo que descobriu por acaso na biblioteca da cidade. Ela mergulha nas lições de hipnotismo e logo descobre que possui um incrível poder de mandar as pessoas fazerem qualquer coisa. Em pouco tempo, é claro, todos os moradores do orfanato estão sob seu domínio e ela começa a bolar um plano para fugir dali. O que ela não sabe é que um homem muito estranho conhece seu segredo. Ele quer o livro e pretende usar os poderes dela para cometer um crime diabólico. 

Apaixonou-me pela capa, é incrível. Molly aprende que algumas pequenas coisas são muito mais importantes do que as maiores riquezas do mundo e, principalmente, aprende que o mais importante são as relações verdadeiras e não as construídas em cima de inverdades. O texto abaixo é mais um resumo da obra do que uma análise literária.

O texto a seguir é e foi o resultado de um exercício de redação para uma das aulas de Inglês.

El texto que sigue es y fue el resultado de uno ejercicio escrito a una de las clases de inglés.

The following text is and was the result of the exercise in writing to one of the English classes.

                  BYNG, Georgia - O Incrível livro de Hipnotismo de Molly Moon
                                            This romance is the story of Molly and Rocky. They are reared in the Orphanage Home Vidadura" Molly dreams about a better life. She is always discredited and humiliated by the lady of the Orphanage, Miss Viborípedes and by Hazel, smart girl. One day, Rocky is adopted by an American couple. Then, Molly discovers the book about hypnotism in the library of the city. She does her best friend of it, since Rocky had gone away to America. Molly reads and studies the book, beginning to practice, first with Petula, the dog of Miss Viborípedes; after with Edna, the cook of the orphanage. Molly practicing the hypnotism discovers that she can be happy. Like this, she wins the contest of talent of Briersville. With the money that she won in the contest, she is going to New York in search of Rocky. In New York, Molly continued practicing hypnotism, She becomes a famous star. But, she doesn't know that since she won the talent, contest she's being watched by the false teacher named Nockman, with evil plans, he intends to use her for perfect robbery. For that, Mr. Nockman, kidnaps Petula. Molly desperate with the loss of Petula, is going on television to ask for help to find the dog. When she goes back to the hotel to rest a little, after the premiere and of the search for Petula. She sees that there are messages in the electronic secretary. She hears all the messages, but of them two give her sadness and happiness: One is from Mr. Nockman, saying that he is with Petula, and if Molly doesn't do what he orders, the dog dies. The other is from Rocky, which leaves her happy. Molly and Rocky meet each other in the hotel lobby. She tells him all her adventures from the discovery of the book in the library. He hears her and, also, he says that he was reading the same book. Rocky also knew about the hypnotism. Molly tells Rocky about Mr. Nockman, and she agrees in assaulting the Bank. She has the help of Rocky for that. With the recovery of Petula, Molly and Rocky want to return to their city of origin, to return to the orphanage. But before, they the hypnotism on Mr. Nockman so that he returns to the bank all that was stolen. Like this, they hypnotize definitively Mr. Nockman so that he won't rob anymore and they take him to England, as their employee. Molly and Rocky live happily in the Orphanage Home Vidadura. With the money that Molly won as a star, the orphanage received a reform and all were happy.

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